Robert Louis Stevenson Memorial Cottage
Stevenson Society of America Inc.
Statement of mission of the Stevenson Society of America Inc.
The Stevenson Society of America was established in 1915 and in 1920
was incorporated as a not-for-profit educational entity and remains
so today under the requirements of New York State Education Department.
The Society, which owns and operates the Robert Louis Stevenson Memorial
Cottage and Museum in Saranac Lake, NY, has a two-fold purpose:
1. to perpetuate the memory of Robert Louise Stevenson, author, in Saranac
lake by the collection and preservation of records, manuscripts, books
and objects pertaining to his lift and works.
2. to educate the public about him and provide a research center for
scholars which includes documents pertinent to local history.
To these ends the Robert Louis Stevenson Memorial Cottage and Museum,
is open to visitors daily on a seasonal basis and by appointment year
round. The Museum is staffed by knowledgeable volunteers and membership
is open to all who are interested in the author and his works and who
desire to spread his brave philosophy of living.

Here in this quaint old farmhouse you are taken back to the year
1887 when the immortal author of Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson,
came from Bournemouth, England to live in Saranac Lake. Still preserved
in its original state, you will see the largest collection of personal
mementos in America, such as Stevenson's velvet smoking jacket with
a sprig of heather in the breast pocket which was sent from Scotland
by a member of the Stevenson Society of America, the ice skates Stevenson
wore to cut a fancy figure on nearby Moody Pond, his yachting cap, childhood
photographs, a lock of his hair, original letters, and literally hundreds
of articles of Stevenson lore. In the mantle piece over the fireplace
are burns in the wood where Stevenson left cigarettes. The furniture
in the rooms is that which he and his family used.
For futher information on Robert Louis Stevenson and his time spent
in Saranac Lake
click here